Travis Perkins - Farnborough              July 2021

ABC Fencing have been requested to take on another Travis Perkins site. As usual the company requested ABC’s 358 High Security Mesh in the known colours of Travis Perkins, green and yellow. ABC supplied and installed over 200m of this around the boundary of the new store. Along with this ABC installed several single and double leaf gates including a double leaf swing gate at the size of 3.0m high x 4.0m wide for entry of large trucks and lorries. 

Along with the mesh ABC erected several Bollards and also Armco Crash Barrier for the protection to the building incase incident. 

Travis Perkins often use ABC Fencing for their fencing needs, and we are delighted to be requested and supply the highest security fencing for these projects. 


358 High Security Mesh Product Sheet 

Armco Crash Barrier Product Sheet 

Knee Rail Product Sheet 

Bollards Product Sheet



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