PSSA Awarded Member Posted 08/01/2020
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ABC Fencing have recently been awarded members of the Perimeter Security Suppliers Association. PSSA are a trade organisation whose members consist of reputable, financially stable, competent, safety conscious suppliers and installers in the field of external perimeter protection and hostile vehicle mitigation.

ABC Fencing are certified for the supply of equipment and services designed to provide the highest levels of physical protection for sites and their perimeters from terrorist or criminal attack that involves the use of extreme force or explosives. We supply a wide range of high performance products including perimeter fences and walls, vehicle barriers and blockers, bollards, high security gates, security blinds together with other specialist equipment developed for this demanding sector of the security market.

Following a rigorous process of evaluation of both our supplier’s management system and verification of our products, ABC Fencing were given authority to use the PSSA Verification Mark.